Often, digital transformation in a business context is interpreted with the image of a robot performing everyday jobs or the company's IT and security department. However, not all processes encompass these aspects and are not only related to artificial intelligence. <\/span> <\/span><\/p>\n
Also, many companies are inhibited to take this step out of fear, due to misinterpretations infused by the media and uninformed people. For this reason, today we present the four most mistaken aspectsabout digital transformation.<\/span><\/p>\n
Sources: <\/span>5 mitos de la transformaci\u00f3n digital – El Blog de Jose Puchades <\/span><\/a> <\/span>\u25b7 Digitalizaci\u00f3n en los Negocios: 5 casos de \u00e9xito – Fortia<\/span><\/a> 7 Mitos y Errores Sobre la Digitalizaci\u00f3n | COSMO CONSULT<\/span><\/span><\/a><\/span><\/p>\n