{"id":5052,"date":"2022-12-28T17:49:42","date_gmt":"2022-12-28T17:49:42","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/consware.com.co\/?p=5052"},"modified":"2023-04-26T13:51:40","modified_gmt":"2023-04-26T18:51:40","slug":"el-metatarso-big-data-blockchain-la-nube-y-la-inteligencia-artificial-son-algunas-de-las-tecnologias-mas-prometedoras-para-este-2023","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/consware.com.co\/en\/el-metatarso-big-data-blockchain-la-nube-y-la-inteligencia-artificial-son-algunas-de-las-tecnologias-mas-prometedoras-para-este-2023\/","title":{"rendered":"Meet the promising technologies for 2023"},"content":{"rendered":"
La digitalizaci\u00f3n del mundo ha aumentando gradualmente en estos \u00faltimos a\u00f1os, pero sin duda alguna, a part\u00edr del covid 19, \u00a0 se ha disparado aun m\u00e1s y con ello, las nuevas tecnolog\u00edas como el metatarso, Big data<\/a>, Blockchain<\/a>, the cloud and Augmented reality, among others. Are you familiar with any of them?<\/p>\n Although some of them are just being adopted in different environments, there are others that are already being rapidly acquired in the business environment. Today we show you which trends are expected to be the strongest in 2023:<\/p>\n Artificial Intelligence<\/strong><\/p>\n Surely it is the most heard term and this is due to the number of science fiction movies. But what is it really? AI is the ability of artificial devices to perform tasks of human intelligence. An example could be voice assistants or Spotify\u2019s music recommendations.<\/p>\n Among its operations in the business world, we also find chatsbots, which consist of a virtual assistant. So, by automating all the frequently asked questions, they solve the doubts of people who enter a web page.<\/p>\n \u00a0Digital twins<\/strong><\/p>\n They are digital copies of objects or processes, made to be applied in real life. In addition to predicting possible errors, how are they performed? Through a computer program that uses real data, they create simulations to test the operation and experience risks, before launching a product or its functionalities.<\/p>\n Through Big Data technology and the Internet of Things<\/a>the system analyzes all possible information, tests it and once it has a successful result, it is applied in a physical environment. You can even simulate a brain to predict a disease! The twin will be in charge of planning and solving the answers.<\/p>\n Internet de las cosas (LoT)<\/strong><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/strong>M\u00e1s\u00a0conocido como el Internet de las cosas, se refiere a la digitalizaci\u00f3n de los objetos f\u00edsicos. Es decir, que todos puedan interconectarse a una red simult\u00e1neamente. Un ejemplo puede ser que, al sonar tu alarma en la ma\u00f1ana, la cafetera empieza a realizar cafe instant\u00e1neamente.<\/p>\n Adem\u00e1s de esto, al monitorear los datos de consumo, podr\u00e1s conocer m\u00e1s los gustos de tus clientes. Entre esos, los productos que m\u00e1s compran, sus horas activas, su frecuencia de compra, etc. Asimismo, realizar esa recolecci\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s del Big Data, permitir\u00e1 almacenarlos en\u00a0dispositivos conectados.<\/p>\n Uno de los ejemplos m\u00e1s conocidos de este sistema, es el\u00a0seguimiento de env\u00edos en tiempo real. Mientras, un transporte lleva la carga, los usuarios podr\u00e1n rastrear y conocer su recorrido en tiempo real. La interconexi\u00f3n entre el dispositivo del repartidor y el sistema de conocimiento, es el que permite esto.<\/p>\n Blockchain<\/strong><\/p>\n Es un sistema que se destaca por sus seguridad y que va m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de ser la tecnolog\u00eda usada, en Cryptomonedas. Su definici\u00f3n se \u00a0especifica como una cadena de bloque que contiene informaci\u00f3n. Para ser mas claros, es un sistema que gestiona y registra informaci\u00f3n. A partir de su contenido de claves criptogr\u00e1ficas, hace de su encriptaci\u00f3n algo complejo.<\/p>\n One of its business uses are digital tokens, which serve as a means of payment for purchases and financial transactions.<\/p>\n Metaverse<\/strong><\/p>\n Seguramente lo has\u00a0escuchado como \u00abel\u00a0futuro del\u00a0internet\u00bb o como el mundo virtual. En resumen, el metaverso es un ecosistema virtual paralelo, en donde cada persona es representada por un avatar. Su acceso ser\u00e1 a trav\u00e9s, de un visor de realidad aumentada y permitir\u00e1 la interacci\u00f3n con objetos de ese mundo \u00a1En 2 segundos te teletransportas a un lugar nuevo!<\/p>\n Therefore, it will be possible to hold meetings in a virtual room with people in different countries. As for its usability, Meta and Facebook have been some of the main players in betting on it. In fact, they see it as the next evolution of social networking.<\/p>\n A popular example is that of Fornite which held virtual concerts, in collaboration with Ariana Grande and Travis Scott. The artists appeared as avatars, projected in 3D form.<\/p>\n Young woman sitting at desk and interacting with her virtual desktop, using her browser.<\/p><\/div>\n It should be noted that although these are the most promising technologies, some of them are just taking their course in business environments. Therefore, it is important to adapt them and start applying them in internal and external processes, to generate a competitive advantage. Remember that innovation is what will distinguish you from others. At Consware we help you with your digital transformation process<\/a> , through technological solutions. The future is now!<\/p>","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" La digitalizaci\u00f3n del mundo ha aumentando gradualmente en estos \u00faltimos a\u00f1os, pero sin duda alguna, a part\u00edr del covid 19, \u00a0 se ha disparado aun m\u00e1s y con ello, las<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n